If there is one thing that is true in Honeysuckle Hollow, it is that everyone loves to help out. The annual decorating of the Hollow Holiday tree is an opportunity for neighbors to join in. In the weeks in advance, old, young, tall and small all create something special to add to the tree. You will often see neighbors collecting pine cones or berries for tree garlands or bits of scrap fabric to weave ornaments in the month leading up. But not everyone likes to decorate.
The Tailfeather cardinals, Blaze and Poppy love lots of activities. Dancing? Yes! Splashing through puddles? Of course! But crafting has never been a hobby of choice. Because of their wings, holding scissors is next to impossible. Sewing? Tough! Gluing? With feathers?! No way. And so, they are puzzled with the Hollow Holiday tree decorating.

“I love to watch the decorating of the tree. Seeing all those lights twinkling,” said Poppy to her parents Annie and Redd.
“Me too!”, chimed in Blaze – “and enjoying the warm apple cider!”
“But crafting is not something I find natural. Do I have to make something?” asked Poppy.
Annie and Redd were quiet for a moment. They knew that Poppy was a helper at heart but birds were not crafters. Collectors for sure but crafters, no.
“I think you can find other ways to help out,” said mom Annie before continuing, “you are kind and creative; you will think of something only you can do!”
“I agree with your mom,” dad Redd said with enthusiasm. “Do not be discouraged, everyone has special skills and enjoys different tasks and that is what makes us stronger together.”

Poppy felt good after talking to her parents. She had been feeling a bit funny seeing everyone busying themselves with the tree and not doing anything herself. But she trusted her mom and dad’s encouraging words. She started to think about what she loved to do and how it could be of service to others.
On the day of the tree decorating a huge crowd surrounded the bottom of the chosen tree. It was a great, lush pine tree that seemed to almost touch the sky. The neighbors buzzed with excitement as warm apple cider was handed out with fresh cinnamon cookies from the Tickle-Your-Taste-Buds Bakery. One by one, families approached the tree to find a special branch to place their creation on. Up and up and up and up they went. Soon a ladder was brought over.

And up and up and up higher with berries, balls, sparkles and small decorations of all kinds. Until the ceremony came to an abrupt halt. The top part of the tree was unreachable.
Redd nudged Poppy with his wing and Poppy’s eyes shone. Poppy took an ornament in her beak and flew to the upper most branches that were out of reach. The Honeysuckle Hollow community erupted in applause. One by one the last decorations were placed on the tree, until the final star was perched onto the top perfectly by Poppy. As the neighbors sang carols and held paws, flippers, hooves and wings – the Tailfeathers surrounded Polly for a big hug.
“Our very own little star!” parents Redd and Annie exclaimed with pride.

Tune in next week as things get holiday festive in the Hollow!