What better way to start a new school year than with a fresh set of pens, or a flashy pair of sneakers? A binder is great for keeping all your notes together. If you’re going to do math, it might be time to get a calculator, too!
Getting ready for school is super important for both kids and grown-ups alike. For little ones, getting ready creates an opportunity to get excited for all the new things to come. For adults, getting ready can save time, money, and stress. And who wouldn’t want to save on all those things? Going through a checklist of must-haves a week or two ahead of time can avoid repurchases and help you get all your ducks in a row before the big day.
So, let’s get ready together! Read on for simple tips n’ tricks and a printable back-to-school checklist from your Li’l Woodzeez friends.
Tips for Getting Kids Ready for Back-to-School
Whether your child is going to school for the very first time or they have some end-of-summer blues,
1. Throw a back-to-school party
Celebrate new beginnings with a special dinner, a backyard party, a trip to the movies, or anything else that will get your kiddo excited for the big day. Alternatively, you can celebrate once their first day is over, so they have something to look forward to. Or both!
2. Talk about nerves
It’s OK to feel nervous! Allow your child to express their worries to you and lend them a sympathetic ear. Figure out which scenarios worry them the most and do your best to offer them solutions. It might also help to share your experiences of going back-to-school when you were little!
3. Choose healthy snacks
Healthy snacks give children both the nutrients and the energy they need to make it through the school day. Take your kiddo shopping with you and teach them how to pick a healthy snack, such as fruit salad, veggies and hummus, whole grain cereal, yogurt, and trail mix.
4. Start a new routine
Lots of schools start early in the morning. To avoid sleepiness during the first week of school, try dialing things back to ensure that your kiddo is early to bed and early to rise. You might also want to be 100% screen-free and implement some relaxing bedtime activities such as bathtime and reading before bed.
5. Shop together
Get your child involved in the back-to-school shopping. Allowing them to make small decisions, such as choosing the color of their backpack, will boost their confidence and help them to feel excited about their return to school.
6. Talk about safety
Discuss those important, everyday basics, like how to use a crosswalk, how to look both ways before crossing the street, how to reach your parents while you are at school, and and how to be cautious around strangers.
7. Create an end-of-summer bucket list
Got a little vacation time left? Consider making an end-of-summer bucket list with your kiddo! Simply list a few of their favorite activities and take the time to check them off. Here are some of your Li’l Woodzeez friends’ favorites:
- Swim in a pool
- Visit the library
- Go for a bike ride
- Have a movie night
- Play dress-up
School Supply Checklist
Now for the li’l goodies that your kiddo will need. We’ve provided a list of the basics to help you get started, but feel free to add any other items or to-dos that make sense to you and your family. You can also contact your school’s administration to find out if there’s anything else your child might need!
Print a copy of this checklist and let’s get ready together!