
Bitty Fix-It Workshop (Part 1)

August blog 4b e1598369845758
August blog 4b e1598369845758

Tap! Tap! Tap! Mimi Handydandy was hammering a nail into a wooden picture frame.

The Handydandy Mice ran the Bitty Fix-It Shop in Honeysuckle Hollow, where they did repairs for the whole town.

They blocked holes in watering cans, straightened wonky legs on chairs, and glued broken teapots back together. Mimi’s daughter, Sunny, even used her tiny paws to get into hard-to-reach places.

There was nothing the Handydandys couldn’t fix!

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Sunny peered up Mimi. “Do you need any help, Mom?” she asked. “No thanks, dear,” replied Mimi.

Sunny sighed. She was bored and wanted a task to do for the day. Maybe her dad and brother needed a hand?

She peeked her head around the back, where Benjamin was sawing a plank of wood in half. His son, Nibbles, was measuring out smaller sections. “Do you need any help?” Sunny asked. “No thanks!” replied Benjamin. “We’ve got this.”

Before Sunny had a chance to respond, the door swung open and Maverick GrayPaws bustled in.

“Hi, Sunny!” he called. His arms were full with what looked like a huge tent.

“We got a big shipment of camping supplies a few weeks ago and only realized now that this tent has a massive rip in it! Can I leave it here and collect it this afternoon?”

“Of course!” squeaked Sunny. Finally, something to do!

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She was just about to look for the sewing kit when there was another noise at the door. Eloise Vanderhoof shuffled in carrying a camping stove with a handle swinging loosely from it.

“Hey, Sunny!” she beamed. “We dropped this stove on our camping trip and now the handle is broken. Can you fix it today?”

“Emmm, sure!” answered Sunny. She would have to work fast but she was sure she could do the two jobs.

She was just about to ask Benjamin for his screwdriver but, no sooner had she hopped off her chair, there was ANOTHER neighbor at the door!

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In flew Pete Whooswhoo, holding a pair of lopsided glasses.

“Hiya, Sunny!” he cried. “My dad needs his glasses fixed before it gets dark. Would you be able to do it?”

“Uh…” started Sunny. Would she really have time to do three jobs on her own?

“Yes!” answered Mimi, coming to the counter to help Sunny out.

She turned to her daughter. “If we work together, we can get all these jobs done before we close today!”

“Thanks, Mom!” cried Sunny. Although she knew she could work quickly, it was always good when someone lent a helping hand!

The two made a plan and got to work, humming songs as they turned trash into treasure.

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Tune in next week to see what happens when the customers return!