Welcome to another edition of Camp Woodzeez: your go-to source for summer fun. With the sunny season in full swing, it’s time we make the most of our outdoor spaces! So, let’s check in with our schoolyard specialists: the Tippytail Foxes!
The Tippytail Fox Family runs the Summer Fun Day Camp at the Woodland Schoolhouse, so they’ve got loads of games to share. Each activity is hands-on, 100% screen-free, and a wonderful way to spend time outside.
Here are 3 backyard games for kids you should try this summer.
Are you there, Mrs. Bear?
Similar to What time is Mr. Wolf, one person plays as Mr. or Mrs. Bear, and he or she stands at one end of the yard, facing away from the other players. Together, all the players take a step forward and ask, “Knock knock. Are you there, Mr./Mrs. Bear?” The bear must respond with an animal sound, such as a pig’s squeal or a duck’s quack, then everyone has to recreate it. If Mr./Mrs. Bear growls like a bear, all the players must run away! Whoever gets caught by the bear becomes the new Mr. or Mrs. Bear.

Line Tag
Get ready for giggles! In this Indigenous game, a group of five or more players form a line, holding hands. Then, while continuing to hold hands, a player at one end of the line must tag the player at the other end of the line. If the player is tagged, or if the line breaks, another player moves to the end of the line and the game continues. So simple, so fun!
Scavenger Hunt
Here’s a great li’l activity for young ones that can be played solo. Not only do scavenger hunts keep kids busy, but they help to teach them new words, all while encouraging an appreciation for the things around them. All you have to do is print the scavenger hunt below or write the words down on a sheet of paper. Give the list to your kiddo and watch as they check off each item they find!

Egg and Spoon Race
This game is a classic. And for good reason! The egg and spoon race requires focus, plus it helps to develop gross motor skills and problem-solving, as everyone will need to figure out the best way to keep their egg steady. To play, give every player a spoon and a hard-boiled egg, or a plastic egg full of beans. Line everyone up, then it’s ready, set… go! Race to the end without dropping the eggs. Use a shorter distance for li’l ones. For older kiddos, consider making the race even more challenging by adding obstacles!
Want to play a game that is super-duper simple? Corners is a high-energy game that doesn’t require a lot of space. To play, mark four corners out on the ground, about 10 feet apart. Use anything from plastic cones to colored chalk. Choose a player to stand in the middle of the square, while another four players stand on the corners. When the player in the middle says, “change corners,” everyone must run to another corner, including the player in the middle. Whoever is left without a corner is the next person to stand in the middle.
There are tons of variations on this old schoolyard game, so feel free to get creative yourself!
Can you think of more backyard activities? Let’s see – there are wheelbarrow races, chalk art, obstacle courses, and so much more! Whether you’re playing a structured game together as a family, or just letting the kids romp around on their own, the important thing is to enjoy the outdoors. From increasing concentration to improving mood, there are a myriad of benefits to fresh air and exercise. So, get out there and have fun!
Check out our pool games for kids and staycation activities for even more ideas! And, oh, look – the Tippytails are heading to the park for a game of frisbee. See you there!
Take your Woodzeez to camp!
Keep kids busy with happy n’ healthy activities, and bring that summer fun into the playroom with Li’l Woodzeez toys.