The Cottonball Rabbits were just as eager to get started, but with 7 members in the family, there was a lot to clean up. From their laundry to their dishes in the kitchen, they would need a helping hand if they were to clean it all up in a jiffy.
“Listen up, everyone!” said mom Cassi Cottonball. “I have some good news! The Tidyshine Turtles are going to help us with our spring cleaning. They run the Clean-as-a-Whistle Tidying Service here in Honeysuckle Hollow!”
Dad Andy, grandparents Doris and Boris, and babies Tab and Tali jumped up and down with excitement, but little Chuck wasn’t so sure. If the Tidyshines came to help, that would mean that they would be going through his things! And Chuck liked to keep his things exactly as they were.
“That must be them!” Cassi said as she opened the front door. Chuck watched with concern.
Standing at the door was the Tidyshine family, equipped with rubber gloves, goggles, dustpans, mops, buckets, and a whole lot of gusto. “Clean-as-a-Whistle, at your service!” Sally Tidyshine announced.
“Come on in!” Cassi replied.
Quickly, the Tidyshine Turtles spread out across the Cottonball home, busily sweeping, scrubbing, and organizing each room. Chuck watched as Sally approached his bedroom, ready to make it sparkle.
“May I clean your room, young man?” asked Sally with a smile.
Chuck hesitated. He didn’t want anybody touching his things!
“Don’t worry, Chuck,” said his mother, Cassi. “Sally is an expert! All she’s going to do is tidy things up for you, you’ll see! Your bedroom will be as good as new.”
“That’s right,” said Sally. “Come along and watch me do it! Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.”
“Alright,” said Chuck, reluctantly. “Show me how it’s done.”
Next, Sally picked things up off the floor. She grabbed Chuck’s toy trucks and teddy bears and placed them in the storage boxes in the corner of Chuck’s room. But Chuck didn’t like this, either. He liked having all his toys out on the floor where he could play with them!
Finally, Sally walked over to Chuck’s desk and sorted through his drawings. She stacked them carefully, then put all of Chuck’s loose pencils in his pencil holder. But Chuck was worried – his desk was where he liked to do his arts and crafts! Could he continue to draw now that his supplies were stored differently?
“This is wonderful!” Cassi replied. “What do you think, Chuck?”
“I don’t like it!” said Chuck, hands on his hips.
“Oh dear,” said Cassi. “What’s the matter, Chuck? Could you show us what you don’t like?”
Chuck hurried over to his dresser. “Well, my sweaters and my socks are sorted…” He paused and looked at his clothes, neatly folded in his dresser’s drawers, when he realized something. “So, it’s easier to find my favorite pair of socks!”
Then, Chuck gestured broadly at his bedroom floor. “And my floor is clean. All my toys are put away!” Chuck was puzzled. “So… I’ll have more room to play with my cars.” Was it so bad, after all?
Lastly, Chuck went to his desk and looked at how clean it was. “My drawings are all piled up and my pencils are put away.” Chuck paused and gave this some thought. “So, I can find all the colors I need in one place!”
“That’s not all bad, is it?” asked Cassi Cottonball.
Chuck’s frown turned upside down. “I guess not,” he admitted. “Thank you, Mrs. Tidyshine!” he said with a big smile.
“It’s my pleasure!” said Sally. “What if next time, you handle your things, and I teach you how to tidy up? Would that be alright with you?”
Chuck beamed. “It sure would!”