Love is in the air! The Hearts of Hollow festival has begun in Honeysuckle Hollow and everyone is walking on a cloud. If you are not familiar with the Hearts of Hollow celebration – it is similar to Valentine’s Day. But instead of one day, it is a whole month of celebrating love and kindness. Neighbors and friends are encouraged to show their appreciation in all ways big and small.

The Curlycuddles Sheep Family, Mom Patrice, Dad Mo, kids Shelly, Presley, Nelly, Kelly, and Norris look forward to the Hearts of Hollow celebrations all year. This year is extra special because triplets – Nelly, Kelly and Norris are old enough to participate.
“Can you explain to me what we need to do?” asked Nelly.
“Yes, how do we take part?” added Kelly.
“I’ll explain!” said Presley before continuing, “Hearts of Hollow is not just about love but about kindness, good will and appreciation! It is a special time of year to show how much you care about those around you.”
“Exactly Presley!” Shelly jumped in to add her thoughts, “There are lots of ways to show you care: a kind word, a helping hand, giving support – even a hug!”
Triplets Nelly, Kelly and Norris nodded their heads in unison.

That afternoon, the three sheep set out to start getting ideas for how to show their love. They discovered there were so many opportunities to show you care. Right away, as they headed down the Honeysuckle Hollow path, they saw Tessa and Teddie Canberra koalas struggling with two wigs. They were preparing for a rehearsal of their latest movie but seemed to be having a problem with their costumes.
“Can we help?” asked Norris.
Tessa peeked out from beneath the bangs of her wig.
“Yes please!” cried Tessa explaining, “I always find it very hard to put the wig on straight and tuck my ears under at the same time!”
Norris, Kelly and Nelly got behind Tessa and helped hold her ears down while she popped the wig on. Next, they helped Teddie do the same.
“Thank you!” they both shouted and waved as the triplets continued down the path.

Afterwards, they ran into the McHoots triplets Boo, Hoo and Loulou. They were in the park at the swings. Boo and Hoo wanted to swing but Loulou was finding it hard to swing both.
“Are you ok?” Nelly called out.
“Who us?” said Boo. “We want to swing but with only three…”
“We will help!” cried Norris, Kelly and Nelly.
Boo, Hoo and Loulou all hopped in the swings and Norris, Kelly and Nelly got behind them and started to push.
“Weeeeeeeee!!!!” the three owls were so happy to swing together side by side all thanks to the help of the three Curlycuddles.

The sun was starting to go down so the Curlycuddles kids headed home. They felt they had a very full day and were excited to share their Hearts of Hollow acts with their family. When they got in the door their siblings Shelly and Presley were waiting to surprise them. While they were gone, they had decorated their place with colorful paper hearts.
“We have another surprise too for you!” Shelly said.
“We’ve made you something special!” said Presley.
They had all three triplets close their eyes. And when they opened them – they looked at each other to see they were each wearing a beautiful beret their older siblings had knit.
“Wow! We love them!” Nelly said, admiring herself in the mirror.
The three triplets held hands and twirled around under the decorations. Their heads were warm but their hearts were warmer with the good acts they had done that day. They couldn’t wait to do more tomorrow!
As a special treat to our readers, we have special Li’l Woodzeez Valentine’s Day cards – for you to show your love. Print them off here for all your loved ones!

Tune in next week to for Part 2 of the Hearts of Hollow celebrations!