The Canberra Koala Family has been working all winter on a special new movie. As part of the Toowoomba Acting Troupe, they take their profession seriously. They love to entertain and with the opening of a new theatre in Honeysuckle Hollow – they have something special up their sleeves. They are hosting a live interactive performance called, “Hello Spring!” to celebrate the new season and the new theatre.
“As you know kids, this will be our very first production at the new theatre,” announced mom Mel, “And with the arrival of a new season just around the corner what better way to celebrate!”
“What do you kids think we should include in our play?” asked dad Sydney.
“What about the types of flowers that arrive in springtime?” suggested Teddie.
“And what are the first signs of a new season!” offered Tessa.
“Those are both fantastic suggestions! Go make a list and we will begin the script,” said Mel.
Tessa and Teddie had lots of responsibilities as part of the Toowoomba Acting Troupe. Dad Sydney made all their costumes. Tessa and Teddie help with lots of the detail work like sewing on beads or gluing rhinestones. Mom Mel does most of the scriptwriting and Tess and Teddie help with research details. For the Hello Spring play, they put together all the spring flowers they could think of:
Springtime Flowers
Sweet Peas
Lily of the Valley
They took turns recording and researching until they had a complete list. (Can you think of any they might have missed?
The play was timed for the first day of spring. It seemed the warmer weather, longer days and extra sunshine was putting everyone into a great mood. Neighbors from all over Honeysuckle Hollow lined up down the block to the Honeysuckle Theatre.
“Two tickets for, Hello Spring! Please!” said Suds Tidyshine. Suds was a big fan of all the Canberra films and made sure to arrive early for a front row seat. One by one the seats filled up and a bell rung out to signal the play would soon begin. The curtains waved and some fuzzy feet shuffled beneath.
“Greetings, fine Honeysuckle Hollow neighbors,” Tessa called out before slipping out to appear on stage. On her head was a hood made of pink pedals and her face appeared like the center of a daisy.
“We welcome you today to the premier production at Honeysuckle Hollow theatre for the first day of a new season – Hello Spring! Without further ado, let us begin.”
The play was filled with comedy and drama and all the viewers clapped and clapped with joy as the story came to a close.
“We have a final surprise for you as our guests this evening!” said Teddie “Look under your seats.”
Each seat had a small envelope of seeds inside. Some guests were confused but others caught on.
“In honor of spring and our play Hello Spring! We invite you to take your seeds outside and we will place them in the soil. By the time you come to our next show, you will get to enjoy the garden,” explained Mel.
All the neighbors went outside into the sunshine and side by side planted their seeds. They could not wait to see the next show – inside and outside the theatre!
Tune in next week!