The Farmer’s Market Truck is in full fall effect and making its rounds in Honeysuckle Hollow! Jake is keeping busy dropping off berries to the Tickle-Your-Taste-Buds Bakery and giving pumpkins to the nursery for the kids to carve. Let’s get on the road and see what a day is like for this truck that delivers tasty!
9 AM
Jake warms up his truck and starts loading the back up with all the fresh goodies for the day. There are green, yellow and red apples from the apple orchards of Honeysuckle Hollow and orange carrots from the fields as well as potatoes of every size and shape. Jake admires all the beautiful colors of the crates in the back of his pick up truck. He is almost ready to go! Last he brings a bunch of bouquets and sets them in the front seat.
11 AM
At 11am Jake starts his rounds in Honeysuckle Hollow doing drop-offs to the local businesses. First, he will bring fresh berries to Maggie Bushytail for making some fall pies. He is not surprised when she sees the juicy apples in the back of the Farmer’s Market truck – she asks for two big crates of red and yellow for making apple pie and apple crisp. Next, Jake heads over to the Baabaa Spa & Hair Salon. They love to have fresh flowers on the counter to greet their customers with some beauty. This morning Jake supplies them yellow carnations, pink roses and white daisies.
3 PM
In the afternoon, Jake finds a shady spot in the heart of the Hollow to set up his pop-up shop. The neighbors in the community come outside on their breaks or as they finish up for the day and grab groceries for their dinner or to plan ahead for the weekend. This is Jake’s favorite time of the day as having the pop-up allows him to chat casually and catch up with his friends. They admire the selection and he makes suggestions of recipe options.
6 PM
At 6pm the sun starts going down. Most of Jake’s wooden crates and satchels are now empty. He loads up the truck with whatever is left and says good bye to his last customers. He gives a final honk twice to say, “see you tomorrow!” And waves out the window. Who knows what sweet treats the Farmer’s Market truck will bring but if you’re hungry – you know where to go!