The Tailfeather family always encourages a look around the shop. You never know what new plant or flower there will be, and they love to share their knowledge with customers. Each family member has a specialty. What are you thinking of getting? Who in the family can assist you?
- Redd Tailfeather with a bouquet of flowers
- Annie Tailfeather for a house plant
- Poppy and Blaze Tailfeather for seeds to grow a veggie garden

Choosing Something Special
Li’l Petals is the type of place where you go in for one item but come out with three. It is hard to resist the colors, smells and beauty. Spring is an incredible time because there are so many flowers of the season. You have decided a bouquet for your neighbor would be a nice surprise! What do you choose as a gift for them?
- Yellow daffodils
- Red and orange tulips
- White magnolias
- Purple iris

Get Your Garden Started
You look like you have a green thumb! That is an expression for people who are great with plants. There are a few plants that need a home at the Li’l Petals Flower Shop. Redd has to clear them out to make room for more greenery coming in April. What type of plant do you want for your room?
- A funky cactus
- A tall snake plant
- A leafy ivy plant
- A flowering hydrangea tree

Wow! You really got some beautiful plants and flowers. We can come back again next week if you want! There is always something new and exciting at the Li’l Petals Flower Shop. Look the Tailfeathers are waving. Say good-bye!