Sniff, Sniff, Yummmm!
“What is this for?” asks Cookie holding up her rolling pin in the air.
“That is for the dough that will become the base of the pie. To get a nice even surface you roll it over the top of the dough – like so,” Maggie demonstrated rolling out a ball of dough that was at her station.
“Does it have to be perfect?” asked Chuck.
“No, no. When you are rolling your dough – you want it even so it cooks thoroughly. It will just take a bit of practice.” Maggie said.
“There are different ways you can do it to make it your own! Here is one of my favorite techniques! Who wants to help?”
“Me!” said Howie.
“Ok, here is what you do – all along the outside edge of the pie dough – gently pinch the dough between your fingers. Like so,” Maggie demonstrated pinching the dough.
Once Howie finished there was a lovely crimped edge all along the outside. The kids all cheered for him.
“What next?!” asked Patch.
“Next, we prepare the fillings!” said Maggie.
“That’s the time!” Maggie called.
“Are they done? How can you tell without seeing the inside?!” Humphrey looked puzzled.
“Great question and I have a little trick!” Maggie took a fork and stuck it in one of the pies. “See how the fork went in smoothly and came out clean? It means the fruit and crust are cooked!”
The students all clapped with excitement. Until their cheering was interrupted by another ring. This time it was the doorbell of the bakery. In walked, the families of the students – the Riverdippers, Tippytails, Woofwinkles and Cottonballs. The children all looked surprised.
“You didn’t think we would miss out on your very first pies did you!” Cassi Cottonball said before continuing, “We have to do quality control! We brought hungry bellies and of course ice cream.”