The Quickquack duck family love to spend time together. Mom Cappy, Dad Quincy and kids Kelly and Kenny are a close-knit group of ducks. Their business, the Round-the-Pond Boat Tours, means they enjoy many summer days together, as they host the Honeysuckle Hollow neighbors and people visiting from other small towns. In the colder months, when the pond freezes over, their business closes for winter.
“I have been thinking of something fun for us to do as a family!” mom Cappy announced in early January.
“Yes, that is a great idea,” chimed in dad Quincy before continuing “Let’s think of an activity we can do as a family while Round-the-Pond tours is closed.”
“What about building snow castles!” suggested Kelly.
“Oh, I love that!” said Cappy.
“What else could we make a regular fun activity?” Kelly turned to Kenny.
“What about skating? I have always wanted to try,” said Kenny.

The whole family quacked in agreement. But they knew the one necessary tool they needed to go ice skating were the skate. None of the Quickquacks owned their own pair. They knew just who to ask – the McBristlys!
The McBristly Porcupine family run the Pin & Needles Tailor Shop in Honeysuckle Hollow. They are all very good with making creations out of fabric. After the Quickquacks explained their desire to take on the pond but on flippers, the McBristly’s went to work measuring their webbed feet and making special ice skates perfect for a duck.

Peggy and Porter McBristly brought the finished skates over later in the week to the Quickquack’s home. All the ducks perched on the floor and stretched out their legs and one by one – the McBristly placed the completed skates on their feet.
“See we created straps that go across your webbing – so your feet are comfortable” Peggy explained.
“Now stand-up carefully and get a feel,” said Porter.
All the Quackquacks wobbled a bit but managed with the balance of their wings to rise up on their new skates.
“They will feel a bit funny at first but before you know it, you will be gliding like magic!” said Porter.
“Thank you so much! We love them!” said Cappy and the whole family quacked in agreement.

Later that afternoon the Quickquacks held wings as they headed out to the pond. They were very familiar with the pond and the various routes having hosted many a tour. They helped each other attach the new skates and edged onto the ice one by one, slowly circling the pond. Frozen over and twinkling in the sunlight with the new fallen snow, the familiar pond looked new to them.
“Wow,” Kenny quacked in excitement as he glided along the surface of the pond.
“Ice skating is like flying for your feet!” Kelly observed.
This made all the Quickquacks laugh and begin to slip and slide until they flopped on the ice into a heap of yellow feathers.
“Shall we go around again?” said Cappy. The sun was setting but there was still time for another tour.

Tune in next week!