Ahh… the wonders of fall! It’s at this time of year that you can find the Li’l Woodzeez harvesting delicious fall foods from their gardens, breaking out their wool sweaters, and going on long walks to marvel at the changing colors. From pumpkin spice to holiday gatherings, there’s simply so much to enjoy during this cozy time of year. Some might even say that autumn is the best season of all! (See what we did there?)
As lovers of fall and all things nature, your Li’l Woodzeez friends have come up with 5 easy leaf crafts for you and your little ones to enjoy. Leaf art is not only a great fall activity for kids, but a creative and hands-on way to introduce younger kiddos to the season. So, head out for a stroll amongst the trees, grab your favorite fallen leaves, and make something special together!
Here are 5 amazing fall leaf DIYs for kids.

1. Leaves on the Trees
This fall leaf DIY is so simple, yet so much fun! Draw a leafless tree or a forest onto a sheet of paper, branches and all, leaving lots of room for the real leaves you brought home. Then, one by one, use a glue stick to gently add your fallen leaves to the branches on the page. Decorate with more drawings or colors, and voila! And easy fall craft you can stick on the fridge.

2. Lion Faces
Does your kiddo love animals? Cut the shape of a lion’s head out of a piece of construction paper, draw a face, then surround the face with fallen leaves. Simply glue the leaves to the back of the animal’s face to create a wonderful halo of colors. This fall craft works especially well for lions because of their luscious manes, but you can always experiment with other animals, like cardinals, porcupines, and cats!
Once you’re done, you can go one step further and turn this lion’s face into a mask! Use a hot glue gun (grown-ups only) or a hole puncher to attach a string or a ribbon to the back of the mask, making sure that it is just long enough to fit your kiddo’s head.

3. Leaf Rubbing
With this fall DIY, kids can turn fallen leaves into any color of the rainbow! Choose a leaf and place a white sheet of paper on top of it. Then, use a crayon to color the leaf through the sheet of paper and watch as the veins from your colorful leaf take shape. It’s beautiful! For best results, be sure to remove any paper wrapping from the crayon and rub the crayon lengthwise, gently pressing down on the paper.

4. Leafy Animals
Use fallen leaves like the pieces to a jigsaw puzzle and make animals! With this idea, kids get to exercise their problem-solving skills while getting creative. All you need to do for this craft is to connect leaves into the shape of an animal, then glue the leaves down onto a sheet of paper. Once you’re happy with your creature, add googly eyes or other media for a finishing touch!
Having a variety of fallen leaves in different shapes and sizes will help in your creations. Think porcupine quills, owl feathers, cat ears, alligator spines, and so much more. Plus, it can teach kids about different tree types! Like seeing animals in the clouds, you and your kiddo might uncover all kinds of critters in the leaves – you just need to put them together!

5. Painted Leaf Prints
This activity can use fallen leaves of any color, so you can make this year-round! To make a leaf print, choose a leaf with a pretty shape. Paint it with acrylic or watercolor paint, face up, then flip the leaf over and press it onto a sheet of paper – like a stamp! Carefully peel the leaf off the sheet, and be amazed by your beautiful, colorful piece of art.
For a negative leaf print, lay a leaf onto a sheet of paper, face down. Paint the back of the leaf and its surrounding area, then remove it. Get creative with your fall crafts by using both positive and negative fall leaf prints!
No matter what your child makes, we’re sure it will be beautifall. The key is to get creative! Get outside, use your imaginations, and try mixing and matching all the activities above – it’s all up to you! For more fall-time fun, check out our printable scavenger hunt, a kids’ poem about the joys of the season, and a cute story about Halloween. Happy crafting!