In November, Allie and Alfie were responsible for putting up posters all around the Hollow. Anyone could participate with any talent. They had a very big turnout for auditions, and it was a great chance to meet many of their neighbors. There were tap dancers, magicians, balancing acts and even someone who could say the alphabet backwards in under one minute! Allie and Alfie gave them each advice to perfect their performances and started planning for the big night!
“I can hardly believe the day has arrived,” Allie said the night before the holiday talent show.
“I know! And it is going to be an amazing show… especially with our sweet surprise as the finale!”
“Hello everyone! Thank you for making this talent show into something truly special!” said Allie.
“You have made us feel so welcome in Honeysuckle Hollow! And we cannot wait to host lots of plays, musical events and movie nights with everyone in the new year!” announced Alfie.
“We have a little something to thank you all,” revealed Allie, “We have a small surprise for everyone – check your ticket number and when we call your number, come up to the stage for a gift!”