Meet Maggie Bushytail

Whenever people have a ‘dream job’ – it’s natural to wonder how did they do it? How did they end up where they are today? I, Maggie Bushytail, have a dream job as a dessert maker. And owning and operating a bakery, I get this question a lot. My friends and neighbors in Honeysuckle Hollow imagine, their mornings in my shoes would be filled with, fresh out of the oven pies, crispy croissants and chewy chocolate chip cookies. They marvel at just the thought of being surrounded by the sweetest of smells. Knowing my way with a whisk – it might surprise you was brought about by a personal challenge.

You see, it pains me to admit this but – I am a squirrel with a very severe nut allergy. Can you imagine anything worse for a squirrel? From mouthwatering macadamia to heavenly hazelnuts, through to perfect peanuts and even ever-so-appetizing almonds, they are all out of reach. I once defiantly snuck some pine nuts into a salad and my cheeks swelled so badly, my family thought I was preparing to harvest early for winter hibernation. Sigh. I can only admire these delicacies at a distance. And so, I was determined to create my own flavors! At the Tickle-Your-Taste-Buds Bakery, we specialize in nut-free desserts that are so yummy they will make your tail curl. And that is a reaction that doesn’t require a trip to the doctor.