The Nibblekin’s have a big family. And for the most part they love it! When you have a big family – there is always something fun to do and someone to talk to. Cheddar, Bo and Dot are close siblings. They get along well and play lots of games together. But over the years, they have always thought – what would it be like to be the oldest in the family? Or what would it be like to be the youngest in the family?
“I have a great idea,” Grandpa Ricky announced one evening, “Let’s do a swap! A switcheroo! A mix-up!”
“What do you mean?” asked mom Penny.
“You kids have only known what it is like to be the oldest or the youngest in the family. For one week, lets change it up!”
Bo and Dot looked at each other and grinned. They were starting to understand!
“You mean for a whole week – we get to be the oldest siblings?” they asked in unison. Being twins – they often did this.
“And for one whole week, I get to be the youngest of the family?” asked Cheddar with a smile.
“Exactly,” said Grandpa Ricky, “Cheddar you will get to do all the things that are typically for the youngest in the household and Bo and Dot you will be officially the oldest siblings for one whole week. The same goes for you both!”

The next day, Cheddar, Bo and Dot got up to get ready for school. They had a certain routine: brush teeth, have breakfast and out the door to get a ride from their Dad to school. Usually, Dot and Bo got into the bathroom first since they were younger, and things took a bit longer. But today, they found Cheddar in the bathroom.
“Ahem, as the youngest,” Cheddar announced with a giggle, “I get first use of the bathroom today.”
Bo and Dot nodded. They didn’t realize that it was true – Cheddar sometimes had to rush in the morning after waiting for them to be done getting ready. They often took their time making funny faces in the mirror.
Once everyone was good to go with their teeth brushed and hair combed – they all headed downstairs to eat breakfast.
“Wait! Stop right there!” Bo called out.
“What?” asked Cheddar surprised.
“The oldest sits at the head of the table – closest to the counter,” Dot explained.
Dot and Bo pushed their chairs to the head of the table – conveniently the oldest sat next to the food and got the chance to be served first and take a nice big portion of breakfast.
Cheddar had never thought about that! Where she sat meant that each morning, she got the chance to choose the foods she wanted first before Dot and Bo. The youngest sibling typically got what was left over. Today, Dot and Bo grinned ear to ear as the each took two large cheese biscuits and big glasses of orange juice to wash them down.

As they ran out to catch their ride for school, Cheddar hopped into the backseat. She already knew that as she was no longer the oldest for this week – she would not get to sit in the front of the car like usual. Dot and Bo were only too excited to sit up front with their Dad. They waved to every passing car from their throne in the front. Cheddar didn’t mind taking the back. She had a bit more room to stretch out and took an opportunity to see the drive from a new angle.

Later in the week, there was a dilemma that even surprised the Nibblekins when Cheddar’s favorite teddy bear went missing. Dot and Bo knew their oldest sibling prized possession was her teddy. As we know, even older siblings have special toys that can bring them comfort. They saw Cheddar looking worried, and felt as the unofficial ‘older’ siblings for the week it was their job to help!
“Let’s go on a search!” Bo cried.
“Yes, where was the last place you had the teddy? We can retrace your steps Cheddar! One by one, we will find that teddy bear,” said Dot.
“I think I brought my teddy to the store with me… maybe I left it in a shopping cart!” said Cheddar.
Cheddar felt great to have Dot and Bo helping her. She typically stepped into the role of helper as the oldest in the family – tying shoe laces, holding their hands to cross the street and blowing on their hot tea to cool it off. It felt great that when she needed their support, she could lean into their love.
Once they were in the store they split up looking around and then after a few minutes, Cheddar heard Dot and Bo calling her name.
“Look, look Cheddar!” Bo stood in front of a big shelf of teddy bears and there was Cheddar’s bear – tucked away with the rest. Her teddy bear was on the General Store shelf!
“They must have thought it was from the store!” said Cheddar with a sigh.
She knew it was her bear because it was just a bit different than the rest. Cheddar was so happy to have siblings looking out for her and be reunited with her teddy.

As the week continued, Cheddar, Bo and Dot got to try new things and get an appreciation for what their sibling experienced week to week. Ricky came to check in with them on the final evening of the sibling swap week.
“So! How did it go? Was being the oldest all it’s cracked up to be? Or is being the youngest where it is at?” inquired Grandpa Ricky over a nighttime tea.
Cheddar, Bo and Dot gathered around.
“It was a great experiment! It was fun getting to try somethings that are typically for the oldest in the family,” said Dot.
“Yes, I agree” said Bo, “I loved the extra responsibility! It made me feel proud of myself for accomplishing new things.”
“I think I will be a bit more understanding now and try to share more often,” reflected Cheddar.
Before Ricky could say a word the three siblings were exchanging big hugs. That’s how he knew the sibling swap was a success! From their hugs he knew each brother and sister not only felt understood but appreciated each other more after taking a walk in their Nibblekin shoes.

Tune in next week!
tucked away with the rest. Her teddy bear was on the General Store shelf!
The Teddy Bear was on the General store shelf!
Love the story! I should make my kids swap ! 🤣
Glad teddy was found on the general store shelf! 🧸🤗
Her teddy bear was on the General Store shelf! Such a cute shelf!
General store shelf