
The Taste of Summer
The Hoppin’ Farmers Market comes alive in the summer. The first weeks of summer, there are samples of all the fresh fruits and veggies for the community to try and fun activities. Bright and early, families will head out to arrive at the Market Square and be the first!
The Tidyshine Turtles had a busy spring. Dad Suds, Mom Sally, and kids Buster and Bubbles have a cleaning company. They are know as the Clean as a Whistle Tidying Team in Honeysuckle Hollow. Springtime and spring cleaning is their very busiest time! When the summer months arrive, they take some time off to take it easy and relax. These turtles know how to slow down.
“Is everyone ready to head to the Hoppin’ Farmers Market?” asked Sally one morning. She was almost ready to go with a pair of sunglasses on and applying sunscreen.
“I am so excited. I can’t wait to try all the fresh fruits and vegetables!” said Buster.
“Me too, me too!” Bubbles jumped up and down with excitement.
“Alright kids, grab your baskets and let’s go!” said Dad Suds.
The group headed out and the Hoppin’ Farmers Market was a welcome sight. It just shouted summer with the colorful flowers in the windows and the stands overflowing with vibrant produce of the season. Each Tidyshine turtle carried their own small straw basket with a handle. Mom Sally and Dad Suds let Bubbles and Buster choose things they liked to try and taste, and then they shared carrying the groceries back home.
“Bubbles can you guess what this is?” Buster was standing beside a large pop-up stand with huge green round shaped food piled one on top of each other.
“Hmmm, I don’t know what those are! Is it a vegetable?” said Bubbles examining the striped skin on the outside of the mystery food.
“No! Guess again!” said Buster.
“Is it a fruit?” Bubbles asked.
“Yes! These are watermelons. They are my very favorite fruit of summer. They taste like summer feels. Do you want to try?”
“Yes, please!” Bubbles cried.
Elliott Hoppingood took out a knife to cut up the watermelon into big chunky slices. Bubbles could hardly believe it was pink inside. He passed Bubbles and Buster each their own slices. They set their baskets down and stopped to enjoy them.
“Oh, my goodness! How delicious!” said Bubbles.
“I told you!” laughed Buster.
The two Tidyshines watched the world go by at the market while they ate. They saw familes arriving and picking up different things for their dinner. Comparing the size of carrots or the colors of different peppers. Some grabbed bouquets of fresh flowers for loved ones. It was fun to imagine each going home with their goodies and groceries to plan their days.
“I love the market!” said Bubbles with watermelon juice dripping down his face.
“Me too. Shall we grab a small watermelon to take back home with us? We can surprise mom and dad!” said Buster.
“I can’t think of anything sweeter,” said Bubbles with a big grin on his face that was covered in watermelon juice.